Teamwork in the fire industry begins before the bell. Teamwork is essential in this industry. Although eerily similar in so many ways, and mostly trained in the same way, the mix of strengths and weaknesses come together in an emergency. From the strong and silent type to the outgoing leaders, working together, they become a well-oiled machine.
This machine mentality was critical on the night of September 16, 2016, when this team of firefighters arrived to encounter a working house fire, heat conditions, AND reports of children trapped inside. They all went work – one group entered the structure without the benefit of a hose line and begin the search. There were children trapped inside. Another unit began deployment of attack lines and attacked the fire. It didn’t look good at first.
Three children were located and rescued that night. One of the firefighters stepped away from operating the fire pump to render medical aid. Grady EMS was on the scene and started treatment. All three children were transported to Grady Hospital ALIVE.
This team didn’t stop there though – they visited the children in the hospital and learned that one of the children would be temporarily in a wheelchair. These same firefighters, THIS well-oiled machine, this TEAM, built a wheelchair ramp for the family’s new house to help ease the burden. The 2016 Team work award goes to Company 2 and Engine 13 of Atlanta Fire Rescue. Capt. Chip Newell, Sgt. Chris Martin, Sgt. Jesse Yates, Capt. Jim Trainor, Firefighter Brian Wood, Sgt. Mike Williams and Firefighter Kendell Thrasher.